Our Programs

HomeStretch offers working homeless families a proven path toward financial stability, improved employment, stronger family relationships and permanent affordable housing. The HomeStretch Supportive Housing program has 23 two- and three-bedroom apartments.  Four are ADA accessible.
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Who We Serve

To be eligible for the HomeStretch Supportive Housing programs, you must:

  • Be homeless or imminently homeless
  • Be employed full-time – documented with pay stubs showing at least 35 hours worked per week
  • Have custody of minor child(children) in residence
  • Have a connection to the greater north metro Atlanta area such as employment or school

How to Apply

If you, or someone you know, meets the above criteria, contact us for a confidential phone interview.

Additional assistance may be available to you and your family from these organizations.

What to Expect

Confidential Application Process

If you are eligible for the HomeStretch Supportive Housing program, here’s what the process will look like:

  • Step 1:  Telephone interview with a staff social worker
  • Step 2:  In-person interview – a written application and a criminal background check will be required.
  • Step 3:  Acceptance – you will sign a program agreement that outlines participation requirements for regular meetings with staff social workers and assigned mentors, and participation in LifeSkills classes. In addition, temporary housing will be provided and a sliding scale rent will be determined. At move-in, you will pay a security deposit and pro-rated rent.

Program Participation

  • Maintain full-time employment
  • HOMESTRETCHMaintain a clean apartment
  • Participate in LifeSkills classes
  • Work with family and financial mentors each month
  • Provide expense and income documentation showing progress on financial goals
  • Provide other documents upon request-including credit reports, report cards, and pay stubs
  • Work with a staff social worker who will assist with goal setting and supportive services
  • Abide by all requirements outlined in the Program Participant Agreement

What Success Looks Like


The HomeStretch Supportive Housing Program is designed to help you set and achieve goals in four key areas:

  • Financial Stability:  pay down debt and increase income
  • Employment Stability:  increase wages and full-time hours
  • Family Stability:  build healthy family relationships
  • Housing Stability:  improve ability to pay rent upon program exit

The HomeStretch Supportive Housing community is a safe, family-friendly neighborhood with a playground, basketball court, and community garden. While at HomeStretch, you will learn new skills in classes on financial literacy, job search skills, parenting, and many other topics. HomeStretch staff and your mentors will equip you for success after HomeStretch.