A Taste of Summer at HomeStretch

A Taste of Summer at HomeStretch

A Taste of Summer at HomeStretchSummer is in full swing and the children at HomeStretch are enjoying the break from school. This year, we are thrilled to partner with some fantastic local programs to bring unique opportunities to students. Take a look at what they’re up to:

Exploring the great outdoors:

National Park Service. Based primarily at the Chattahoochee River Basin National Park, the students’ main responsibility is to cut and repair hiking trails.

Education Coordinator Marjorie Thomas explains that the program originated from her desire to reach the most underserved kids, to help them gain job skills and earn money while connecting them to their local parks. As she says, “We think the next generation of young rangers is vital to the future of the agency, and we hope that they carry these experiences back to their own communities and grow with them.”

While the kids work hard, there’s a great emphasis on education, with Fridays set aside for experiences such as a day at the Martin Luther King National Park and Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park.

Ardrianna McLane, Chief of Visitor Services at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, marvels at what happens over the summer. “The growth in the ‘kids’ is a beautiful thing to watch,” Ardrianna says.

Discovering technology:

HomeStretch elementary students are invited to a special weekly enrichment program, Robotic Explorers. Robotic Explorers summer camps are an introduction to the world of engineers, using LEGO building elements to complete amazing machine and robot projects. 

Parents and children alike are thrilled for this opportunity. As one parent says, “What my son has enjoyed most is building the robots and completing scientific experiments. He loves math and science, so this was right up his alley! Thanks so much to the Robotic Explorers for the scholarships!”

The summer camp experience:

Beth and Matt Tanzy established Camp Lighthouse in 2011 as an outreach to area kids who don’t have an opportunity to go to overnight summer camp. Located in Talking Rock, Georgia, it’s an all-inclusive overnight camp that includes hiking, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, fishing, disc golf, crafts, campfires, storytelling, and music.

Beth says she and Matt founded the camp after they saw the impact overnight camp had on their own three children. “Our hopes and prayers are that all campers who go to Camp Lighthouse feel God’s love through the wonderful youth counselors and through the beauty of His creation.”

We are grateful for these amazing programs that make summer special for kids at HomeStretch.

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