Happy Volunteer Month

HomeStretch - Donna FranzDear HomeStretch Volunteers,

It has been almost a year since I joined the HomeStretch staff as Office Manager and Volunteer Coordinator!  April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, so it’s the perfect opportunity to thank you all for your support.  Before joining the staff, I was a HomeStretch volunteer for 2 years so I truly appreciate all you do for us.  Our small, but mighty staff of 8 relies on you in virtually everything we do.

It is unbelievable the number of volunteers it takes to keep HomeStretch running!

In addition to our staff members, it’s extraordinary what you, our volunteers, do by the numbers:

  • 10 volunteers staff our reception desk, keeping our office running smoothly – every week.
  • special services volunteers track vital financial, volunteer and family information – every week.
  • Tuesday Guys are on-site all day helping with property repairs and maintenance – every week.
  • 35 mentors guide our families through our program – every month.
  • Church, corporate, and civic groups volunteer hundreds of hours at our properties – every year.
  • Dozens of volunteers serve dinner, provide childcare, and teach classes to our families during LifeSkills – every month.
  • Our 21 member Board of Directors guides HomeStretch onward and upward in Board and Committee meetings – every month.
  • 4 fundraisers planned and delivered with the help of a dedicated event committee aided by dozens – up to 100 – of additional volunteers on the day of the event – year after year.

Our volunteers are willing to do whatever, whenever we need.  You are invaluable and the we are grateful for your service.

‘I can no other answer make but thanks, thanks and ever thanks.’  -William Shakespeare

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