New Executive Director Joins Our Team
We’re excited to welcome our new HomeStretch Executive Director, Talaya Parker. Talaya comes to us as a proven leader with a history of success in people development. She has a true passion for social and community responsibility that took root as a child. In fact, she volunteered as a candy striper at the age of 13.
Talaya holds a degree in Business Management and Marketing. Before joining our team, she spent several years working in the telecommunications industry and most recently, she ventured into entrepreneurial endeavors. Throughout her career, Talaya continued to focus on volunteering in the community with a particular interest in social responsibility programs, mentoring, and motivational speaking. In 2015, Talaya was inducted into the Atlanta Tribune’s Hall of Fame.
At HomeStretch, Talaya is responsible for optimizing financial stability, implementing the strategic vision and direction of our organization, working closely with the board of directors, collaborating with external partners, and leading a strong team. We welcome Talaya and look forward to her leadership as we begin 2019!
Many thanks to those who stepped in to ensure a smooth transition:
- Board President, Bob Hagan, who not only spearheaded the search process but also provided day-to-day leadership during the transition.
- Dutch Earle, who provided professional expertise and many hours of service to HomeStretch by leading the search.
- Joan O’Connell, who served as the Operations Officer, keeping the ship moving full steam ahead.
And to all the HomeStretch staff, who stepped up every day to make sure we didn’t miss a beat.
HomeStretch Staff Takes a Light-Hearted Look at New Year’s Resolutions
I’d like to make more people smile via the gift of Coca-Cola. – Brandon
I resolve to stop lying to myself about making lifestyle changes. – Laura
I resolve to have a fat bank account and a slimmer physique. Last year, I got it backwards. – Talaya
My goal is to make everyone around me as perfect as I am. – Dennis
I am well known for a fully stocked candy dish in my office, and this year I resolve to ensure there’s fresh, seasonal candy available to my co-workers. No more Halloween candy at Christmas. – Carol
I resolve to be open to the miracles around me and enjoy life, one moment at a time. – Joan

Peachtree Tea Coming Soon
 Preparations are already underway for the annual Peachtree Tea on February 26, 2019 at Country Club of the South. Guests will enjoy a gourmet lunch and motivating speaker, along with opportunities to participate in the Wine Wall, raffle, and silent auction, which includes some exciting items this year!
Click here for details, to purchase tickets or register for the on-line auction.
Please note we’re also looking for event sponsors. Several levels of sponsorship are available – contact Joan O’Connell at [email protected] for details.
Paying It Forward
 This holiday season the community showered HomeStretch families in abundance with food, gifts, and lots of love. One afternoon, we were particularly touched by the visit of a donor who came by to drop off gifts she gathered from co-workers. As she unloaded the toys and pantry donations from her car, she teared up, explaining why giving to HomeStretch at Christmas was personal and important to her. Years ago, she found herself recently divorced and unable to afford Christmas for her daughter. At the time, a similar agency helped her do so. She was so grateful for the help she received then that this year she organized a giving drive at her office for HomeStretch. It’s a story of paying it forward we just had to share. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers who helped make this holiday season special for HomeStretch families.
Good News From a Graduate
 We recently heard from HomeStretch graduate, Detrotris, the first single father in the program back in 2004. When he came to us, he was earning $16,000 a year as a temporary employee for a phone company, had no support, and couldn’t get ahead. HomeStretch gave him the hand-up that helped him grow. Since then he found a good job as a loan officer with a credit union, purchased a home, and celebrated the graduations of his son from college and daughter from high school.
“I always tell others about HomeStretch,” Detrotris shared. “It takes time and a lot of effort for people to grow and get out of debt, but it helps. The help HomeStretch gave me was such a blessing.”
Blessings to you Detrotris, we are proud of all you’ve accomplished.
Baby It’s Cold in Our Freezer
Did you know that we keep a freezer full of food to help our families make ends meet? Now that we’ve moved past the holidays and into 2019, we need to restock. Can you help with donations?
Current needs are:
- Bags of chicken tenders, patties, nuggets – boneless skinless or breaded
- Frozen pizza, pizza rolls
- Family size frozen Stouffer’s or single portion meals
- Frozen waffles and frozen juice cans
- Bacon, ground beef, or ground turkey
Property & Program Volunteers
National Charity League – Roswell/Alpharetta Chapter
National Charity League – Milton Chapter
North Point Community Church – Be Rich
Roswell Woman’s Club
St. Andrew Catholic Church
Holiday Donors
North Point Community Church – Be Rich
St. Vincent de Paul – St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church